De Groot Coffee Co.

De Groot Coffee Co.

89 Hill St, Port Elliot SA 5212

De Groot Coffee Co. roasts and brews real good coffee in Port Elliot, South Australia. A family-run business, we like to keep things simple and make coffee that tastes delicious.

De Groot Coffee Co. has been up and operating in the little surf town of Port Elliot for the past four years. The move was a whole-of-life change for their family – a doubling down on our commitment to good coffee, strong community and happy days. The company has grown but always maintained the approach of ‘quality over quantity’ when it comes to life and business. Serving single origin coffee only, De Groot is a little different to most roasters. We have three single origins for you to try at any given time. Come and visit us in Port Elliot for a cup or grab a bag of beans online any time.

Phone:  0407 733 766  – Bernadette – General Enquiries
