Cittaslow Goolwa


Shop Address: Cittaslow Corner, Cnr Goolwa Terrace & Cadell Street, Goolwa

In 2008, Alexandrina Council was successful in gaining Cittaslow accreditation for the river port town of Goolwa.  Soon after the community group Cittaslow Goolwa was incorporated to support Council in carrying out the activities expected of a Cittaslow town.

We maintain shop front called Cittaslow Corner where we not only educate visitors on what a Cittaslow town is, but also sell locally sourced products that fit with Cittaslow values…taking time to think about the impact of our actions.

As a Cittaslow town, Goolwa is committed to supporting planning policies and decisions that promote good quality of life and a sense of pride in the community. This means prioritising cycling and pedestrian friendly spaces, preserving local traditions and heritage, respecting and protecting the environment, supporting local business, ensuring progress is sustainable and defending the rights of the whole community to experience health and wellbeing.

MARKET – Our Produce and Artisans market is held on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month from February to December. 9am to 1pm in Jaraldle Park Goolwa

SHOP – Cittaslow Corner is open Thursday to Monday. Summer – opening hours are 11am to 4pm.  Autumn & Spring – opening hours are 11am to 2pm.

Phone:  0418 809 848
